
3 Types of Breast Surgery and How They Work

Feb 02, 2023
3 Types of Breast Surgery and How They Work
Learning you have a breast lump or other tissue abnormality can be frightening. However, an expert can guide you through the most effective next steps, including your diagnosis and treatment options. Here’s how breast surgery can come into play.

Breast surgery can be necessary for a variety of reasons, from treating medical conditions like breast cancer to performing cosmetic procedures. As a result, there are many types of breast surgery for different types of issues.

Dr. Laureen Forgione-Rubino is a general surgeon who’s been in private practice since 1993. At her practice in Manchester, Connecticut, she’s well-known for her surgical skills and expertise, especially with robotic and single-incision laparoscopic procedures and high-risk breast patient care.

If you have an abnormal lump or other breast tissue anomaly, here are three types of breast surgeries Dr. Forgione-Rubino might recommend.

1. Aspirations and biopsies

Technically, aspiration and biopsy are two different surgical procedures. However, they’re both minimally invasive, and Dr. Forgione-Rubino can perform them in her office. 


Dr. Forgione-Rubino uses this surgical procedure to drain fluid-filled sacs in your breast — or breast cysts. These growths are noncancerous but can cause significant discomfort. Draining them is fairly straightforward, and Dr. Forgione-Rubino numbs the treatment site to keep you comfortable during the procedure.


During a biopsy, Dr. Forgione-Rubino can remove some or all of the suspicious cells in your breast tissue for testing. Like an aspiration, a biopsy requires local anesthesia, and it usually doesn’t require stitches.

After performing a biopsy, Dr. Forgione-Rubino sends it for testing and gets your results within 24 hours.

2. Breast conservation surgery

Breast conservation surgery goes by many names, including:

  • Lumpectomy
  • Wide local excision
  • Excisional biopsy
  • Quadrantectomy

As the name “breast conservation surgery” implies, this procedure strives to preserve the appearance of your breast while removing abnormal tissue at the same time.

In most cases, Dr. Forgione-Rubino recommends this form of breast surgery if a biopsy indicates you have cancer and it’s small and early-stage. However, she could also suggest this approach if you have other noncancerous or precancerous breast abnormalities.

Depending on your breast cancer diagnosis, you could require partial breast cancer radiation treatments after surgery. This form of radiation takes less time and comes with fewer side effects than whole breast cancer radiation, and Dr. Forgione-Rubino offers this therapy at her office.

3. Mastectomy

During a mastectomy, Dr. Forgione-Rubino removes all of your breast tissue. However, she also performs nipple-sparing procedures when possible to improve cosmetic results.

A mastectomy can remove one breast (unilateral mastectomy) or both (bilateral mastectomy). The goal is to treat or prevent breast cancer. As a result, it can be a treatment option for numerous breast cancers, including those in the early stage, as well as a preventive measure for people with a very high risk of the disease.

New mastectomy techniques offer several advantages to those from the past. Some approaches preserve breast skin, allowing for a more natural appearance after your procedure. Dr. Forgione-Rubino can also work closely with a plastic surgeon if you choose to have breast reconstruction after your procedure.

What next?

Trying to decide between breast surgeries can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it on your own. 

Dr. Forgione-Rubino works closely with you to determine the best path forward, including genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These genes are most commonly associated with breast, ovarian, and other forms of cancer.

Do you have a lump or other abnormal tissue in your breast? You can find support and expert care with Dr. Forgione-Rubino. Call our office to schedule a consultation today or request an appointment online anytime.